Thursday, July 26, 2012

What Has Begotten Your Definition?

Beget (verb) - 2) to cause; to produce as effect

Definition (noun) - 3) the condition of being definite, distinct, or clearly outlined.

          As many of my readers, friends, and family know; my time in the midwest is coming to a close as I will soon be relocating from Illionois to Georgia in pursuit of my master's degree in psychology.  This is one of those "turning of the page" and "ending of an era" moments that scatter and mark the milestones of our lives.  I thought it would be a convenient time to share some of the things, from a few frequently inspirational categories, that have "caused and produced the condition of my being."  This is a chronicle of what has shaped my life and personality thus far and counting.  These are bookmarks to my life.  There are of course countless footnotes and chapters that should be mentioned here, but I'm afraid they can not all be fit in.  For that list it would be easier to get to know me personally.  So, I'll jot down the short list here and save the long list for a select few of you if you save a cold beer (or glass of bourbon) for me.
          In short, if you're curious as to what has made me who I am today then you will find the outline below.  I'll spare myself the monotony of  setting up web links for everything but if your curiosity inclines you to do so, please Google the respective entries.

1)  V for Vendetta
2)  Fight Club
3)  The Breakfast Club
4)  The Count of Monte Cristo
5)  Gangs of New York

1)  Rescue Me
2)  Supernatural
3)  Scrubs

1)  Staring at the Sun by Irvin D. Yalom
2)  A Happy Death by Albert Camus
3)  The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis

Authors (repeat from above):
1)  Albert Camus
2)  Irvin D. Yalom
3)  Kirk J. Schneider
4)  C.S. Lewis

1)  Brand New
2)  Fuel
3)  Seether

Famous Figures (deceased and not mentioned above):
1)  William Shakespeare
2)  James Dean
3)  Immanuel Kant

Famous Figures (living and not mentioned above):
1)  Banacheck (Steven Shaw)
2)  Tim Ferriss

Personal Figures:
          *These next few spaces I will leave blank for the privacy of those represented.  Their names will not be mentioned, nevertheless, their memory and lasting impression deserves to be mentioned.  If you feel your name belongs on the list; add it.  I've met many "inspiring" people over the years; this post and these spaces are dedicated to you.  The three specific spaces listed below represent three people in particular that have been the greatest influences upon my being... for better or worse.  However, the list is not exclusive and it should be extended to hundreds of people whom I know, used to know, and have yet to meet.  As the saying goes; "some people are in your life for a reason, some for a season, and others for a lifetime."

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